Tuesday 28 August 2012

Mouse Climbs Snowdon

Mouse climbed to the top of Snowdon at the weekend with the help of William. It was a Bank Holiday weekend, so it was a bit crowded at the top, but we did manage to squeeze a quick photo.

It was also a bit cloudy at the top, so we got a nice photo of the train to show that we didn't use it.

Mouse's Travel's can now be seen on a Google map on the Blog. Let me know if you are going anywhere new.


Thursday 23 August 2012

What did you do this summer?

The promise of sweets hasn't encouraged any of you to put a comment on the Blog, then William said, "I don't know what to write"

You don't have to write a lot, either pick a post that you like and in the comments box, say something nice or positive about it. After you have written your comment click on the drop-down menu next to 'comment as'. Choose Name/URL, then type your name in the name box. Then click publish and copy the strange writing. If you can't read the words, refresh the word until you can read it.

To make life even easier, I have created this post so you can tell me what you have been up to during the summer holidays. Don't stop at one comment, you can do as many as you like. You can even reply to other Cubs' coments, but remember I check them before they are published.

We have now had over 1100 hits on the site, lets get some more.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Mouse Goes to Portugal

Mouse went to Sagres in Portugal in August with Mathilda. Remember to take him when you go anywhere nice, and tell us about it in the comments section on the Blog entry.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Free Sweets


It seems that I am having to resort to bribery. Everyone who puts a new comment on the Blog will get sweets when we return on 4th September. Please don't moam if you don't get one.

See you soon,


Wednesday 1 August 2012

Pack Meeting 31st July 2012

It was the last Pack meeting of the year tonight with the Cubs playing some of their favorite games, including Splat! Kick Rounders, Bucketball and Water Balloon.

Now Akela likes to see the Cubs getting a soaking as we can see in this video.......................................

but shot of the year goes to Joseph with this effort...........................................

So have a nice break, and we will see you on 4th September. Remember, keep checking the Blog for updates on Mouse's holidays, and if you haven't left a comment yet..............what are you waiting for?