Tuesday 25 September 2012

Pack Meeting 25th September 2012

The Cubs have been beautifying the village tonight, by planting daffodil bulbs around the village telegraph poles and signs. We will have to wait for next spring to see the benefits, but in the meantime.............

For those of you joining us from the Village Vine, sorry you cannot be our 2000th visitor, that mark has already been passed. Keep visiting us to see what the cubs are up to every week, and feel free to leave a comment on the blog to say hello.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Pack Meeting 18th September 2012

The cubs got to practice CPR on poor Annie this week, with a good old sing along to "Stayin' Alive". Hopefully they all listened to the safety briefing and did not try it on their parents when they got home.

Remember Mathilda, the chest is not a trampoline.

Monday 17 September 2012

Quiz Night

***********************************Parents Only************************************

On Saturday 24th November we will be holding a quiz night at the village hall as a fundraiser for the Scout Group. The quiz will be aimed at adults with a licenced bar and some sort of meal in the interval. Details to follow, but please support the quiz as the funds raised will be used to subsidise next years main camping trip for the Cubs.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Pack Meeting 11th September 2012

Its all change tonight at Cubs, with us losing Ellis, but gaining William C, Callum, Ryan and Goblin.

We continued the fitness challenge, with the cubs moving onto the actual table tennis table.

Next week, topspin and smash.

Goodbye Ellis

Ellis leaves the pack tonight, having been one of the original pack over a year ago.

Good luck, we will miss you.

Monday 10 September 2012

Fitness Challenge

Just a quick reminder, don't forget to complete your fitness diary every day for two weeks. And if you are involved in a sport, send us a recent photo for the blog. You can now do this by e mail by clicking on the Contact Us link.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Warwick Castle Full report

So no Cubs were harmed in the making of this camping trip, well not from Wilmcote at least. Only Lewis from 60th Nottingham suffered that fate, at the hands of Mike the Knight......

.......before being loaded into the trebuchet and launched across the island.

At least Mouse was well looked after by Leila...........

........or was he.....An eagle-eyed leader snapped him being mistreated in the Grand Hall, saving him from a similar fate to Lewis.

All in all, the Cubs had a great time. Just remember, Cubs, even at 5am, big brother is watching you.


Next trip, Bear Day. Watch this space. And don't forget to post your comments, so far only Molly has earned a sweet for Tuesday's pack meeting. Having said that, thanks to all the parents for monitoring the blog while we were away, we have had the biggest hit counts ever.

Tower to the people

We've had enough

Saturday 8 September 2012

Archery lesson

Biggest eagle in the world

Knight of adventure

7.15pm - birds of prey and real knight

Catch your own dinner, medieval style

Grub up

Setting up

How many cubs does it take to pitch a tent?

Warwick Castle Invasion

Look out Warwick Castle, 1st Wilmcote Cubs Scouts are coming. Parents, keep your eye on the blog overnight for live posting from inside the castle walls. Maybe we will capture one of the cubs being launched on the Trebuchet, or imprisoned in the dungeon.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Pack Meeting 4th September 2012

The Pack started their fitness challenge this week with a two week diary to monitor excercise, food, and sleeping habits.

Part of the challenge is to try a new sport, and after a quick try on the table tennis table, it was back to basics to learn the grip, forehand and backhand.
Hopefully the Cubs will be practising their skills at home this week, before making it to the table. Remember, watch the ball.

Letter from The Queen

The Queen wrote to the Cubs over the summer to thank them for their Jubilee card.