Wednesday 24 October 2012

Pack Meeting 23rd October 2012


The Cubs made pancakes today, using tin cans and candles, like so....................

Not all of them looked like this!

We also had three investments for:


Wiliam C.........
and Ryan.......
Mouse is also off to Paris on holiday with Eliah.........Bon Voyage!

Pack Meeting 16th October 2012

Blog By Joseph in Word 2003
This is when we were doing our First Aid badge – this is called ‘the kiss of life’.

This is Jack B doing stacking up cups, the aim of the game was to stack the most cups up quickly and to put them down again.

Charlotte and Theo were stacking the cups as fast as they could.

Friday 12 October 2012

Pack Meeting 9th October 2012


By Molly
This week we did the hobbies and collections badge. Lots of different items were brought in and we put them on display for all of us to see.
Mathilda brought in her Pokemon cards. This is an example of some of them.
This is some of William H’s Lego figures. Are the two astronauts twins??
These are some of Isobel’s fairy books. Apparently she has 105 of them!!
Theo really enjoys photography so he brought his camera to cubs.
Maddi came for a trial this week. Hopefully she comes back next week…

Monday 8 October 2012

Molly's Picture for IT badge

William H entry for Bear Day 2012

Bear Day 2012

First we started at the Mary Arden Inn and Akela gave us the new Necker’s and sorted us into groups to go to the Bear Day .

When we got there we had to get a band which showed us which activities we had to do to get our Bear Day badge.
Secondly we had to go through the thick oozy mud and we went to the halls to do the activities. Our base was just outside of hall 1. We put our bags down and went in the first activity. I did the global area and I had to walk across a mine field{It only makes a bang} then a couple of hours later, we moved our base into the hall and we had lunch.

After lunch we saw Bear Grills the chief Scout....
At the end of the day we packed all of the stuff away and a couple of Cubs had a go on the Police car, Police van and the truck.
Once we had packed away we went back to the cars and set off…
Once we got back the parents came to collect the Cubs…

By William H

Jack S entry for Bear Day 2012

Some of the cubs have joined the circus……Molly and Matilda on their stilts at bear day at the creative stand

William is looking out for dangers in the community zone……SAFTEY FIRST!!!!!!!

Entry for the cub blog by Eliah

On Tuesday we did Grand Howl and games and later on Akela handed out the badges. I am in charge of the blog… (as you can see) so you’d better watch out!!!!

Here is an action shot of the cubs playing a game .
The game is about aiming the ball at people and trying to get them. If they get touched by the ball, they are out. The aim is to get all the people and the last one standing is the winner. At this stage of our game, Josh, Leilah, William and Jacob are still fighting for their life, but Sam is determined to get them!

As a little extra, here is a picture I took on my way back from cubs.
If anyone can guess what it is of, they will get a sweet next Tuesday (leaders permitting)! Game on?!

Thursday 4 October 2012

Pack Meeting 2nd October 2012

Between now and Christmas, the Cubs will be working on their Information Technology Staged Activity badge, hopefully completing levels 1 & 2. They will have to work hard though, as a lot of the tasks will involve using a computer at home to create peices of work for the badges. Be sure to check with your Cub to see if they have been tasked with a piece of work.
One of this weeks tasks was to use a piece of painting software to produce a simple picture. The first two submissions are from Jack S and William H, well done.

The Cubs will all be taking turns to write an entry for the blog. First to go was Eliah, who took lots of nice pictures.
 I can't wait for the finished report.