Wednesday 23 January 2013

Facebook Launch

You can now find us on Facebook. Search for Wilmcote Cub Scouts and 'Like' us. You can all now post, comment, tag, dig and do whatever else you want on our page. (Although I will be moderating)

Pack Meeting 22nd January 2013

Where's Akela?

Akela was absent this week, but we will let him off as he had an urgent appointment with a new Mowgli. 

Congratulations to Akela's son Ben and Katie and welcome to Harry who looks remarkably like Grandad.

Monday 21 January 2013

Pack Meeting 15th January 2013

The Cubs were Boy Scouts of America tonight, finding out about Scouting in that country.

Having all pledged their allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, the younger ones became Wolf Cubs and tried out some of their badgework. They had a go at some of the physical requirements (such as catching a ball, walking in a straight line backwards) and discussed what they should do in certain situations (do they join in the bullying?).

The older Cubs became Bear Cubs and looked at what they did which included knowing their particular State's (we used Florida) flag, tree, bird, mammal etc. The list seems endless!

Akela liked the Wolf Cub and Bear Cub version of the Law:

"The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives good will."

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Pack Meeting 8th January 2013

Our main badge focus for the period up until Easter is the Global Challenge.

As with most of the Challenge Awards (the Outdoor Challenge is an exception), this will require some aspects to be completed at home. Tonight, we focused on recycling and saving energy. Please support the completion of this first of four badge requirements, by returning the slip that was on this week's newsletter. This work is task based; other requirements will only involve collecting some information.

We'd like the Cubs to do two particular things to help with the household recycling and two things (that they wouldn't normally do) to help with saving energy.