Wednesday 28 August 2013

Adult Support is ALWAYS Welcome

September is almost here....

August is almost over and we'll be back with our weekly meetings from next Tuesday. The emphasis will still be to get outside when we can, but inevitably the darker evenings will soon be with us and we'll be inside a lot more.

At our first meeting, we'll be settling in our latest member, appointing a new Seconder for Orange Six and starting to get two of our Sixers on the path to completing their Chief Scout's Silver Award. You can see from an earlier post that two Cubs already have this top badge - now we want to get our first girls through to its completion too.

Stratford-upon-Avon Gliding Club

We spent a really enjoyable meeting at the club's airfield in Bearley during July. The club is run by the members, all of whom are passionate about their hobby which is clearly an expensive one - these gliders can cost up to £100,000!

This visit was part of the Air Activities badge and we'll do some more work for this badge as we go into the Autumn.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Mouse has been on his travels again....

Mouse was rescued by Akela from life in a shop in Broadway in the winter of 2011. He was being held by a shopkeeper until a sum of money was paid for his freedom.

Now he is free to travel the World and can go to many places with Cubs from 1st Wilmcote Cub Pack. His latest travels have included St Ives in Cornwall, where he's been surfing with Jack and Alfie

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Chief Scout's Silver Award

The Chief Scout's Award is the highest award that a Cub can achieve. To qualify they must complete every one of the six main Challenge Awards - Community, Creative, Fitness, Global, Outdoor and Promise. Each Cub who gets to receive it will have done a lot of tasks at the meetings and completed other tasks at home.
We are VERY proud of the first two Cubs at 1st Wilmcote who have received their Award and Certificate. William got his at the St George's Day parade in Alcester from the District Commissioner and Jack received his from the Duty Warden at Blackwell when we went to camp there in June.
As we approach the start of our third year, we hope lots more Cubs go on to achieve theirs too!


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Looking back on the Summer's Camp at Blackwell

What a busy Pirate Camp we had! Here are some photos of the Cubs doing a variety of activities...