Wednesday 25 September 2013

Last Night's Pack meeting

Heads down for map work as part of the Navigator badge last night. They all managed to use local street maps (part 3) and nearly all of them did a great job sketching a map showing us how to get from our meeting place to the railway station (part 2).

Thank you to Beth and George's brother Jack for their help on the evening.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Bear's been to the Cotswold Wildlife Park too!

Good to see that our Chief Scout, Bear Grylls, visited the Cotswold Wildlife Park & Gardens today.
We had a good day there in April when the Cubs visited as part of their Adventure Activity badge. It was a cold, damp day, but it didn't stop us exploring all the Park and enjoying the animals.

Monday 23 September 2013

Navigator Badge continued.

This week we'll be doing the second and third parts of the Navigator badge.

Using local A to Z type maps will help achieve this part of the badge requirements as well as establish basic grid reference principals.

Having walked around the area a few times now this summer, I wonder how many of the Cubs will be able to draw a sketch map to show how you get from our HQ to the train station? It will be interesting to find out!

Friday 20 September 2013

Adding to last year's daffodil planting

This time last year, we went out during our Pack meeting and planted nearly 400 daffodil bulbs that the Cubs brought in with them. Despite a really cold winter, when the plants emerged in the Spring, the flowers brightened areas. Some were better than others, but it was a good start.
This week we were out and about again. Armed with spades, trowels and photos of where we planted last year, we put another 450 or so into the ground.


Well done Cubs; let's see how it all looks in March and then prepare for 2014's planting night!

Sunday 15 September 2013

Navigator Badge

We started the Navigator Activity Badge at the meeting last week and those that attended, completed the first requirement. There are four in total.

  1. With other Cub Scouts, go for a walk with a Leader around the local area. Use one or more of the following types of navigation: written instructions (yes), taped instructions (yes - the adult gave these), road signs (yes), tracking signs or maps.
  2. By drawing a simple map, direct someone from your meeting place to a local railway station, bus stop, hospital, doctor, post office, etc
  3. Using a local street map, find certain roads and places of interest as requested by your Leader.
  4. Help plan, or take part in, a treasure hunt using clues, directions and signs to reach an unknown destination.
We will be doing part 2, 3 and 4 over the next few weeks.

Friday 6 September 2013

Our meeting on Tuesday 3rd September 2013

Well done to both Mathilda and Molly who created two excellent games as part of their Creative Challenge Award work. We'll play these again!

Mathilda's game was based on racing to the right coloured base and Molly's was a Quiz-Catch type game. Both really well thought about.

Well done Cubs

Well done to Sam on becoming a Seconder (of Orange Six) and Louis and Jack who have completed three years of Scouting.