Monday 28 October 2013

Pack Night on 22nd October.

Tonight we made edible camp fires. All it took was a biscuit base (the ground), chocolate spread (for the mud), mini-marshmallows (for the stones), chocolate matchmakers (the wood) and strawberry shoes laces (to create the flames). We had some really good efforts:



Monday 21 October 2013

Funny Things Scouts say...

Reported in the October/November Scouting magazine;

Before a Scouts Own (Campsite Service) -
Leader: "How do you start a prayer?"
Beaver: "Capital letter?"

At District Camp -
Cub: "I've lost the rest of my Pack"
Leader: "Don't worry, we'll find them. Which Pack are you with?"
Cub (after some thought): "Er, can't remember. But the Leader is called Akela."

Meeting Scouting Ambassador Julia Bradbury -
Leader: "Has anyone got a question for Julia."
Beaver, putting up his hand: "Julia. How big is a daddy whale?"

First Aid Training -
Trainer, holding up a pair of latex medical gloves: "When should you wear these?"
Scout: "When you have to cut the body up?"

After a Canoe Expedition - 
Parent: "Did you have a good time?"
Scout: "It was good fun, but all the paddling was uphill on the way back."

Friday 11 October 2013

Welcome two new Cubs

There are around 150,000 Cub Scouts in the United Kingdom and the latest to join us are Alfie and Lucy. Welcome!
Both of them collected badges at this week's meeting, so off to a great start.

Hobby & Collector Activity Badge Night

What a brilliant selection of hobbies and collections we had this week. Every Cub got at least one of the two badges. Well done!