Friday 20 December 2013

Almost the end of 2013

We've just had our pre Christmas meeting and said a sad "goodbye" to Mathilda, our oldest Cub. The year's almost over, but before we forward to 2014 and all the excitement that a new year brings, I'd like to take a moment or two to look back.

Firstly, do we have a photograph that sums up 2013? I've chosen one taken at the end of the Saturday on camp at Blackwell in the summer. Not all the Cubs are in it, there's no-one dangling off the end of a rope or doing anything spectacular. It's simply one of some Cubs gathered around a fire, toasting marshmallows at the end of a long day of activities.
We have a group of Cub Scouts who attend many different schools, have diverse interests and, because they are aged from 7 to 10, different levels of self-confidence. On camp, the camaraderie this year was very good - not surprising really; they are a lovely bunch of young people who are a credit to their parents.

In 2013, they gained a lot of badges! In fact, 195 of them!! The top five were:
  1. Service Awards (17 of these)
  2. Global Challenge Award and Local Knowledge Activity badge (16 of both)
  3. Navigator and Artist Activity badges (15 of both).
I'm actually really pleased that our most given out badge is for service. It shows that the Cubs enjoy what they are doing.

We've been out-and-about more this year, thanks to the minibus provided by our Group Scout Leader and sponsored by his business Morris MOT Centre (with Andy moving on, we'll miss that next year).

But, we can always do more. That's where the thinking about 2014 starts....
Paul Sanders

Friday 13 December 2013

Our two newest Cubs

It is always nice to welcome young people from our Beaver Colony. Last night, Kieren and James swam up and were greeted by three Cubs representing the Pack.
Well done to James for also completing his Chief Scout's Bronze award and his two year service badge. Both Beavers have already been to two Cub meetings and have settled in really well.

Tea (light) time ...

At the meeting this week, the Cubs created tealights from glass jars that they had brought in.

Lots of concentration on getting the designs right and making the best use of the range of glitter colours available. Finally, each Cub lit their tea-light candle, Akela dropped it in, off went the main lights and we admired the work!

Friday 6 December 2013

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was the Patron of Scouts South Africa. He received the Africa Elephant, Africa’s highest Scouting Award.

"The importance of a high moral code, which is at the foundation of the Scout movement, cannot be stressed too highly." - Nelson Mandela

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Tuesday 3rd December 2013

We were "lost at sea" for the first part if the meeting in our badly damaged boats with 15 items that we'd been able to recover. Each boat of 3 or 4 Cubs had to rank the 15 items from most to least important. This was all part of the Creative Challenge Award problem solving module.
So, which of these 5 from the 15 would be your most important 2?
  1. Maps of the Ocean
  2. Transister radio
  3. Shaving mirror
  4. A 25 litre container of water
  5. A 10 litre can with a mixture of oil and petrol
This is an exercise put together by the US Coastguard and used usually by adults.. The answers are after the game photograph.
We also played a game that we haven't done for a while. Can you get your shoe back without the Shoe Protectors getting you?
Christopher and Mathilda are doing their best not to get whacked by Kieren and Courteney!
So, the answers to the ranked one and two items in this US Coastguard exercise are:
  1. Most important is the shaving mirror as:
    "Of all the items, the mirror is absolutely critical. It is
    the most powerful tool you have for communicating
    your presence. In sunlight, a simple mirror can
    generate five to seven million candlepower of light.
    The reflected sunbeam can even be seen beyond
    the horizon."

  2. Next is the 10 litre can with a mixture of oil and petrol as:
    "The second most critical item for signaling. The
    mixture will float on water and can be ignited using
    the matches."
How did you do?