Tuesday 23 December 2014

Congratulations Jack (and George again)

Jack has also received his Chief Scout's Silver Award and certificate. Akela presented it to him at his last meeting on 16th December. George received his certificate too.

Once again, well done Jack and George for all that you have achieved in your two and a half years as Cub Scouts at 1st Wilmcote.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Congratulations George!

Well done to George, our most recent Cub to complete the Chief Scout's Silver Award. He received it after the recent Remembrance Sunday parade from Reverend Canon Roy Brown.

Remembrance Sunday 2014

We were pleased to be able to take part in the service at St Andrew's this year. Thank you to all the Cubs (and Beavers) who took part.

The Frank Latcham Trophy

Three of our Cubs - James, Martha and Scarlett - joined a West Warwickshire District team to take part in the Frank Latcham competition, held this year in Alcester. The competition was a County one, with each District sending at least one team to compete. All three did brilliantly, with their team finishing third. Well done Cubs!

Two More Chief Scout Silver Awards

Well done to Sam and Joseph, who have joined our growing list of Cubs who have completed the Chief Scout's Silver Award. They received their badges in September from two of the District Leadership team.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Bit of a Challenge....

We rearranged our meeting last week to the Wednesday night so as to avoid the England game. Those that could make this change of evening had a challenge: They had to use the available materials to get a candle so that it burnt the balloon. However, Akela seemed to have bought fireproof balloons, so the challenge was changed to burning through the string that held the balloon. Good news - all the groups achieved it!

Wednesday 18 June 2014

PGL Activity Weekend

On Friday 6th June, we went off to Liddington in Wiltshire, for an activity weekend. Here's a few pictures of some of the activities we got up to:
  Aeroball (hard to see in a photo though!)

  The Giant Swing (check out the video on Facebook)


 Crate Challenge

 Zip Wire

 Vertical Challenge

 Sensory Challenge

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Making large Catapults

As part of  learning about pioneering, we made some mini-versions of large catapults at this week's meeting.
They were made out of bamboo canes, rubber bands and a strong plastic cup to place a ping-pong ball in to fire.

Some were defintely better than others, but they all fired in a straight line and achieved the challenge set.

Friday 23 May 2014

Good luck England

We decorated the HQ with England banners this week to wish lots of England teams "Good Luck".

We talked about the Men's England Football team at the World Cup of course, but we also mentioned the Men's Rugby team playing New Zealand three times this summer (the first match is on the Saturday of our PGL weekend), the Men's Cricket team play Sri Lanka (they were playing a Twenty20 match that evening - England lost unfortunately) and India in all three forms of the game and the Ladies Cricket team play Sri Lanka in August.

Plus there's the Commonwealth Games at the end of July! Lots of sports are represented and some banners included athletes and rugby sevens players.

Friday 16 May 2014

Well done Cole - our first Bronze & Silver Chief Scout's Award holder

Well done Cole! He is the first individual in our Group to gain both the Chief Scout's Bronze Award (in the Beavers) and now gone on to complete the Silver Award with the Cubs. A terrific achievement and one you should be proud of Cole!

His badge and certificate was presented by the local author, Helen Watts.
Helen lives locally and her first novel "One day in Oradour" tells the story of events in a small French village during the second World War. Although the book is aimed at a slightly older age group than our Cubs, her next one in September is closer to their age and Helen has agreed to come back, tell us about it and do some work around the Bookreader and Hobbies badge (lots of Cubs bring books in).

Friday 9 May 2014

Four weeks to go...

We are four weeks away today from our Activity weekend at the PGL Centre at Liddington in Wiltshire. Three adults are travelling there with our party of 15, and the Cubs will be doing all sorts of activities over the weekend.

This activity is scheduled for Sunday morning!:

Thursday 1 May 2014

Another Chief Scout Silver Award!

Well done to Louis who has become the fifth Cub in the Pack to complete all his Challenge Awards and be presented with this badge.

He received the certificate at this week's Pack meeting, but he got his badge a couple of days previously when he was presented it at the St George's Day Parade service, in front of the District, by Tony Guy who was representing the County Commissioner.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

St George's Day Parade in Tanworth-in-Arden.

This year, the West Warwickshire District Parade was held in Tanworth-in-Arden, hosted by 1st Tanworth Scout Group. Fortunately the weather on Sunday behaved and stayed dry! The parade was its usual colourful sight and our Cubs were well led by Louis, escorted by Cole and George:



Thursday 24 April 2014

Another trip for Mouse

Mouse has been on his travels again - this time with Felix to Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise in France.
It looks cold Felix!

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Welcome to Ollie

Welcome to Ollie, who has joined us from the Group's Beaver Colony. Ollie's first meeting was last week, when we got the fires going, the sausages cooking and the marshmallows toasting!

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Viking Ship Fires!

We took last week's boats down to the canal last night to give them a traditional Viking send off. It was also a chance to show that they could each be safe at the canal side as part of their Personal Safety badge.


Thank you to the two Dads who joined us - Malcolm Stoddart and Phil Smith.

We finished up at the railway station to go through the second safety code as part of the Personal Safety badge work.