Wednesday 18 June 2014

PGL Activity Weekend

On Friday 6th June, we went off to Liddington in Wiltshire, for an activity weekend. Here's a few pictures of some of the activities we got up to:
  Aeroball (hard to see in a photo though!)

  The Giant Swing (check out the video on Facebook)


 Crate Challenge

 Zip Wire

 Vertical Challenge

 Sensory Challenge

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Making large Catapults

As part of  learning about pioneering, we made some mini-versions of large catapults at this week's meeting.
They were made out of bamboo canes, rubber bands and a strong plastic cup to place a ping-pong ball in to fire.

Some were defintely better than others, but they all fired in a straight line and achieved the challenge set.