Wednesday 30 December 2015

2016 - One hundred Years of Cub Scouting

Also in December, we have got ready for 2016 - the 100th year of Cub Scouting. We have looked at the history of how Wolf Cubs became known as Cub Scouts, as well as the wider development of Scouting.
The Cubs will all be wearing this special badge for 2016 and we are looking forward to a fun year!

Christmas handicraft

We were busy making items for Christmas again this year during a couple of our meetings.

Remembrance Sunday

The Cubs (and Beavers) attended the Remembrance Sunday service again this year at St Andrew's Church. On the Tuesday before, each Six made a wreath themselves and these were laid along with  the Group wreath on the morning, as the clock struck 11.00am. Jessica did a great job in  carrying our flag.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Cyclist badge on Saturday 3rd October

Nine Cubs joined King Louie on a seven mile bike ride along Greenway. The Cubs then completed their Cyclist badgework at our meeting the following Tuesday. Well done to Kieren, Sonny, Fin, Alfie, Annabel, Beatrix, Jessica, Maddie and Martha for doing this activity badge.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

September Meetings

We've tried to get outside as much as possible this month so that we could make the most of the last few light evenings in 2015. That means we've been mainly doing activities from the Adventure Challenge Award. At our meeting on 22nd September, the Cubs made Coke and Lemonade bottles into rockets and launched them into space; well almost! Most went pretty high though and there's some good video on our Facebook page.

You can see how this one took off!

For their later goes, the Cubs had to work out how to launch an egg attached to the rocket and it still be in one piece after it landed. Most managed it, others found this bit messy!

Thursday 30 July 2015

Our Facebook Page

This continues to be our principle way of showing everyone what we do each week, so if you are a Facebook user, feel free to take a look!

EdZOOcational Night

On 16th June 2015, we had a very interesting evening. It was a meeting that the Beavers came along to as well, because the wide range of small animals were too good to miss. Both the Cubs and the Beavers had a great time handling the animals, finding out about where they lived and - in the case of the meerkat - even getting to get involved in the feeding.


Emergency Aid Stage 2: An Evening with a Paramedic

Thank you to Anna who joined us for the evening of 2nd June 2015 to not only test the Cubs on their Emergency Aid Stage 2 badge, but also to talk about life as a Paramedic.


Friday 22 May 2015

Congratulations to our latest Chief Scout Silver Award holders.

The Chief Scout's Silver Award remains the highest that any Cub Scout can achieve and we are very proud of Jacob, Callum, Christopher, Leilah and Lucy for completing theirs. To do so, they have worked hard to complete all six Challenge Awards: Community, Creative, Fitness, Global, Outdoor and Promise Challenges. Not every Cub will get this award and these could be the last we present this year, so be proud you five - you've done really well!
 Presenting their award was Ian, the ADC (Cubs) in West Warwickshire.

County Camp ("Get-In 2015) at Ragley Hall, May 15th, 16th and 17th.

Twenty one of our Cubs joined nearly 4,000 other members of the Scouting Movement from Warwickshire on the evening of Friday 15th May for a great weekend of fun and activities.

After an opening ceremony on the Friday night, activities commenced all through Saturday and Sunday morning and we finished with a Closing Ceremony on Sunday afternoon.

Just like any camp, we catered for ourselves. Felix and George did a great cooked breakfast!

Scarlett and Martha starting their "arm-pit fudge"!

A lot of the Cubs enjoyed the water activities.

Yes, there was even a Circus to go to!

There were far too many technology, science, making, cooking, climbing, music or other badge activity bases to include in all our photographs. See our Facebook page for more (plus some video!).

Friday 1 May 2015

Planting Wild Flower Seeds - our meeting on 28th April 2015

The Cubs all planted several pots of wild flower seeds supplied by Kew Royal Botanical Gardens and paid for by Lottery funding. We are looking forward to seeing how they grow!

Wednesday 29 April 2015

St George's Parade in Alcester on Sunday 26th April 2015

We had a great parade on a glorious day in Alcester!

Well done to Kirsty, Christopher and Lucy for carrying out their duties so well.

Camping at our Headquarters for the night

On the night of Friday 24th April, 19 Cubs camped over for the night in Wilmcote. It was all part of our preparation for the big County Camp in three weeks time.

Many of the Cubs took the opportunity to complete their Artist badge, working inside late at night and early in the morning!

Monday 20 April 2015

P.C. Humphreys Visit on 31st March 2015

P.C. Humphreys (known to us in the Pack as "Bagheera") visited the Pack and talked about his role within the Police.
The Cubs all got the chance to see the vehicle he was working with that day and sit inside - hopefully the only time that they will ever do that.

Thank you for the visit "Bagheera".

Wednesday 1 April 2015

London Adventure Day on 17th March

The older Cubs went on an Adventure Day in London. It was, in effect, a hike with a difference! The main highlight was a trip to Downing Street...
Our day started early in Wilmcote. Having travelled most of the way by car, we got the Underground at Shepherd's Bush and travelled into the City.

 First stop was Monument and we climbed up all 311 steps to the top.

Next we walked down to the river, exploring around by the Tower and its Visitor Shop!

Then, we walked into St Katherine's dock to "buy" a boat. Once that area was explored, it was over the river, using Tower Bridge.

Having lunched by the river, we then walked into Southwark and had a guided tour of the Golden Hinde II.
By then it was about 2.15pm, so a quick walk to the Underground, more sight seeing at Westminster and then we made our way to Downing Street.

Every Cub had their photograph taken by the famous door and yes, the adults did too. No time to overstay our welcome though as we needed to walk up towards Horseguards.

The final walking part of the day was then to go up to Trafalgar Square and see what was happening up there.

Many of the Cubs hadn't been in a London taxi before, so that became part of our Adventure too. Leilah made sure Mouse got to see Buckingham Palace!

Finally, it was back on the Underground to Shepherds Bush, in the cars and home, stopping only for a trip to MacDonalds at Beaconsfield Services.

A great day was thoroughly enjoyed by both the Cubs and the adults.