Thursday 30 July 2015

Our Facebook Page

This continues to be our principle way of showing everyone what we do each week, so if you are a Facebook user, feel free to take a look!

EdZOOcational Night

On 16th June 2015, we had a very interesting evening. It was a meeting that the Beavers came along to as well, because the wide range of small animals were too good to miss. Both the Cubs and the Beavers had a great time handling the animals, finding out about where they lived and - in the case of the meerkat - even getting to get involved in the feeding.


Emergency Aid Stage 2: An Evening with a Paramedic

Thank you to Anna who joined us for the evening of 2nd June 2015 to not only test the Cubs on their Emergency Aid Stage 2 badge, but also to talk about life as a Paramedic.