Friday 18 March 2016

Beavers to Cubs: Our "Swimming Up" Ceremony

It has been a year since any of our Beavers were old enough to move up to Cubs. This year there will be 9 of them! We do a simple ceremony, but it's great fun for the older Beaver to do on their last meeting in the Colony. We did two Beaver "swim ups" this week. Let's follow Luke:
First Luke is on the Beaver side of the river:
Then Luke goes "into the river" as a Beaver...
 ... then he emerges as a Cub Scout, in his green top:
 Finally, Luke is welcomed to the Pack by Akela and, in this instance, Sonny and Olivia.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Learning about Buddhism (for the World Challenge Award)

At this week's meeting, we had another guest instructor - Linda. She told the Cubs all about her Buddhist beliefs, the main aspects of the faith and the chant they recite.

This module is one of eight that the Cubs have to do for this award. For 9 of the older Cubs, it was their last module and they all received their World Challenge Award badge at the end of the meeting.

Thursday 3 March 2016

West Warwickshire District Quiz Champions!

Well done Cubs. Eight Cubs made up two teams of four at the District Quiz held at Tanworth-in-Arden on Tuesday evening this week and the oldest team won!
Congratulations Sonny, Fin, Alfie (winning team), Martha (winning team), Felix (with trophy - winning team), Olivia, Scarlett (winning team) and Beatrix. We are very proud of your efforts.

Doing a Good Turn at Mary Arden's Farm

We spent two hours at Mary Arden's Farm on Saturday 27th February, helping two of their staff by tidying up the long pathway that goes around two-hirds of the building. This was part of helping them get ready for re-opening to the public on March 12th 2016.

And the photographer popped along from The Herald. The Farm Manager had tipped him off so that they too could get publicity.
The Cubs were also treated to an informal wonder around to meet the new arrivals.

Thanks to all the Mums & Dads who helped as well (plus the sisters!).