Thursday 22 December 2016

Cub100 Party: Friday 16th December 2016

Cub Packs across the country gathered on Friday 16th December 2016 to mark the 100th birthday of Cub Scouts (originally Wolf Cubs). At 19.16hrs, the Cubs renewed their Cub Scout Promise.

During the two hour Party, the Cubs played games, ate party food and had lots of fun with a magician and clown.

Thursday 15 December 2016

International badge

We've been working our way through the four modules needed for the International activity badge. It seemed a natural thing to do given our trip to France. This week, Tuesday 13th December was St Lucia's Day in - amongst other countries in some other similar forms - Sweden, so we held our own Light Festival at the end of the meeting. St Lucia is celebrated as a Saint because of her care and thoughfulness for the Christians hiding from persecution in the catacombs. As she wanted to carry as much food as possible, she wore her candles on her head to keep her hands free.
Sophie was our Saint Lucia (or Lucy) and once the Cubs had made their ceremonial candle holders, we walked around the green areas and they formed a candle and sparkler lit guard of honour for our Saint!