Sunday 22 July 2018

Another Chief Scout Silver Award.

Well done Luke. You are the latest to achieve the Award and you can be very proud of your efforts. As the certificate says, this is the top award for Cub Scouts and requires completion of all 7 Challenge Awards and more than 6 Activity badges (Luke has 20!).

Backwoods Cooking

Backwoods cooking is the term used when we cook outdoors (e.g. in the back woods) and not - as some of the Cubs think - backwards cooking! It remains the most requested activity that we do and the Cubs love it. Across May & June we worked on this badge, cooking a variety of things in different ways.

Gardener badge

This is a new badge for 2018 and the Cubs worked on all the modules between April to July. The dry weather didn't help the growing at times, but we gave it a go! After all, not all planting is successful, is it?

Get In Camp 2018.

What a weekend this was in May. Its impossible to list everything the Cubs did across the six zones available to them on the Saturday and Sunday. Suffice to say that it created memories for life!