Monday 19 March 2012

Cubs Trip to London 17th March 2012

On Saturday 17th March 2012, Wilmcote joined Tanworth Cubs for a joint visit to London. After navigating their way to Piccadilly Circus via Warwick Parkway and Marylebone Station, the group walked to Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square, stopping off at the Swiss hospitality tent for free chocolates, baseball caps and wristbands, before posing for a photo at the Olympic clock.
Akela educated everyone (including the adults) on the Worlds smallest police station and the nose built into Admiralty Arch.
This was followed by a march down the Mall to see Buckingham Palace, then a walk through St James's Park and a stop for lunch.
After lunch, the Cubs visited Horseguards Parade where they were presented with recent badges by the Sergeant Major, complete with his stick.
David Cameron was not at home as we passed Downing Street, then a quick glimpse of Big Ben as we headed on the underground for Monument.
311 steps later, the Cubs were enjoying the view at the top of Monument, then a walk along the Thames past HMS Belfast, over Tower Bridge, through St Katherine's Dock and past the Tower of London.
All the walking built up an appetite for a Happy Meal at McDonalds, before returning home for 8pm.  

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