Tuesday 26 June 2012

Pack Meeting 26th June 2012

The cubs had an athletics session today, completing their Athlete badges by taking part in a warm up, sprint drills and stretching,

Cricket Ball Throw,

Shuttle Run,

 50m Skip,

Standing Long Jump,

50m Sprint

and Sargeant Jump.

The badges were completed by a close run 4x100m relay cheered on by the District Commisioner, Wendy Williams. Four Cubs achieved the 8 points required for the Athlete Plus Badge, well done to Isobel, Joseph, Freddy and William.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

England 1 v 0 Ukraine

The pack meeting was cut short this week so the Cubs (Hmmm) could watch England go through to the quarter finals of Euro 2012.

The Cubs also seem to be interested in getting their IT badge, as the blog had it's record daily hit count yesterday.

Friday 15 June 2012

Visit to Anabel Murphy's racing stables 12th June 2012

The Cubs all enjoyed their visit to Anabel Murphy's Racing Stables in the village tonight. They not only got to see lots of horses as well as their equipment, they also got to speak to staff and one of the jockeys. They also got to see the farms delightful Zwartble sheep. Finally, Anabel very kindly provided hot dogs and drinks.

Mouse goes on Holiday 6th - 13th June 2012

Mouse went on holiday to Mallorca with William this week. He loves holidays, so don't forget to take him with you when you go away. The further the better.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Pack Meeting 29th May 2012

Unfortunately there is no post this week as Bagheera decided that golf was the better option.

Now watch this drive.....